WhiteTail, Mule Deer
Art Mounts
by Bridget Langdale, Artisan Taxidermist

Traditional taxidermy brought to life
with custom artwork and hand painted features.
Hand - Painted Mounts
Benefits of Art Taxidermy
Redo older mounts.
Upgrade from European mount
No hair, skin or glues.
Memory of this year's hunt.
UV sealent
Clean with damp cloth
Less dust collector
Select colors to work with your decor
Antlers are attached to anatomically correct taxidermy forms that are available in different sizes, and directional turns.
Why choose Custom Art Taxidermy?
Bridget spoke with several wives whose husbands hunted and found out that they
didn't allow mounts in their homes. WHY?
collects dust and is difficult to clean
our child is allergic to toxic glues
slow hair loss of typical taxidermy
colors of cape don't go with my decor
uncomfortable, creepy to look at
Custom Art Taxidermy
avoids all of these issues

Customer Feedback
Bridget has one foot in traditional taxidermy and the other in the art world. Amazing and beneficial combination of skills.
They look like skin, hair...like a typical taxidermy mount from across the room. Up close it's a work of art which, non-hunting spouses, clients, guests don't 'wig out'.
Love working with Bridget. She can guide you with the right look and coloring that makes it realistic and work with my decor.